First of all, everybody!
Happy Winter Solstice to all of you!!!
here to have some short definition of Winter Solstice festival -
According to Wikipedia :
The Dōngzhì Festival or Winter Solstice Festival (Chinese: 冬至; pinyin: Dōngzhì; literally "the Extreme of Winter") is one of the most important festivals celebrated by the Chinese and other East Asians during the Dongzhi solar term (winter solstice) on or around December 22 when sunshine is weakest and daylight shortest.
Balls of glutinous rice (汤圆) are eaten in this festival which symbolize reunion,
as there is a proverb said that 吃了汤圆,团团圆圆. ^^
heee, is great that i am able to come back to penang to eat glutinous balls made by my mum!
Nice! with the combination of sweet soup + little bit of ginger in it.
Smell nice and taste great!
=) mum, i promised that i will learn how to cook every of ur dishes once after i finished my matrics at April =)
I will try to be a good chef like you ^^
back to my kmk life,
ya, my Winter Solstice festival is kinda memorable for this year,
as i had celebrated it one day earlier before the real day in kmk with my friends=)
Cool, make glutinous balls in a quite small Bilik Masakan,
comprising of 100 over chinese i think,
thats why the room is heated up like oven in that cooling night.
Enjoyed it!
hahax, i also did something that i did not ever think i will do it.
I ate one raw glutinous ball, which is not yet being cooked in boiled water.
Haha, actually i just try to joke around with Jeremy, my ex-practicum mate,
i dare him to eat the glutinous ball rawly,
then he dare me too,
if he dares to eat one, i will just follow him.
I and yi han thought that we are just trying to fool around,
who knows,
he ate it.
I and yi han get shocked.
haha. really din expect him to eat that floury uncooked glutinous ball.
what's the effect?
haha, i ate one too.
This time was Jeremy get shocked. He also din expect me to eat it up as promised.
Really had fun that night, joking and singing around.
Bout my new class, S1K1T3A,
hmm, it started to be a interesting class =)
My classmates all seems very dedicated this time, compared to my ex-class...=D
For Biology, we are being arranged by teacher to sit in specific group...
three of the malay girls are my partners, they are dedicated ^^
like it... enjoyed doing biology experiment with them...
Enjoyed drawing slides with them =)
I still rmb that one of the Bio lab day,
i dunno why,
steam or due to lack of sleep,
i switch off the switch of my partner's microscope for several time within minutes...
thinking that that switch is connected to my microscope.
Every time i switch it off, my partner, che pah,
look at me with ?? face...
asked me whether i am okay. haha, as i switched off her microsope light for a few times while she is observing the fresh specimens...
The funniest part is,
June Chow and me,
laugh non-stop at certain tutorials,
due to yao sheng's act...
My Math teachers had grouped June as "laughing" non-stop girl...
LOL, as her laughing is really unique and funny XD
Yay! Christmas is just around the corner too!
Let's countdown!!!
but i have to go back on 25th that day too =/
but nvm,
i thk i had my christmas present de=)
from dad and mum-
GODIVA!!! =) |
haha!seeing this chocolates make me feel happy =D |
A gift from Godiva =) after purchasing that platinum collection. |
A Merry Christmas to you guys in advance!!!
haha, a previous photo of jin hong! gonna see him tomorrow =D seems like he know how to read huh? haha |
whoaa u lucky girl. getting Godiva for Christmas :)
hahax...=) Merry Christmas to you! I thk your somebody gonna buy it for you for christmas present,so just wait for the surprise ^^
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