I had my own sweet time to blog!
after a week of orientation for USM,
and a 3 days and 2 night PIMPIN SISWA camp in Kedah!
It continues with pharmacy orientation!
Along with the classes starting in between.
Is really quite tiring mann!
For the 1st time, I actively working on energy output,
and ended up didn't sleep for 1 day! which means 24 hours awake.
I am that kind who needs to sleep alot. lol
around 7/8 hrs per day,
if not,
my brain will start to be malfunctioned.
but luckily,
I get revived after i was back at home yesterday!
now, let u guys have a look on my hostel.
well, my hostel is situated opposite USM, which means is outside USM compound.
for the whole orientation week,
I thk we all spent most of the time in walking!
It is considered a up hill hostel.
fuhh. really dead tired walking up there.
But luckily, to reach my room, we have lift service!
well, as posted in fb,
they are my roomate and doorstep distance mates!
Two in one room,
where 1 wing have 4 rooms.
This picture is took weeks ago,
b4 the orientation and Pimpin siswa camp.
I look much more different i thk.
a Black charcoal and with lots of fats shedded.
Hopefully i won't become too thin.
as i still need to wear my slack which a belt is unavailable to go round with it.
For my classes,
There is NO tutorial!
Only KULIAH! (lecture)
and also PRACTICAL.
Starting is often hard.
kay, just bear with it friends,
*to myself also.
don't be too stressed,
it's just begining.
Microbiology, Organic Chem,
Basic Physiology,
Research Methodology and statistics,
well, dear subjects!
I will try my best to be with u all and make u guys my favourite!
a little more time.
after i had enough sleep so that my brain function great!
for now,
have a kit kat,
take a break,
and only continue ur journey!
that's all for now. byee. =)
~love, Penang.
ALL the best~ Hohoho~ Happy Malaysia day! ^^
Thanx! hohoho~ Santa Clause saying Happy Malaysia Day? hahax. u too, All the best! =)
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