Oh. Yesterday, haha
did some awkward thing.
went for brisk walking in the park .
while walking, heard "dog steps" approaching.~
as i am highly "sensitive" to dogs around my park.
despite it has a owner or not,
I have "dog phobia". lol.
but except cute dogs.
This may be due to I had been chased by a BLACK big dog as TALL as me while i am cycling years ago.
Imagine it.
scary yet funny.
I did something that i think it is impossible for me to do it to save myself from getting the dog's bite.
n then from that day on i knew i can do that great action. haha
Ask me if u were interested. LOL
or perhaps i told some of my friend before.
back to yesterday dog's topic.
~while walking, heard "dog steps" approaching.
I turned my head over to look how near the dog is, with his owner beside.
haha. It's just behind me. alright.
At the same time i turned back my head, it walked past me.
(At the same moment, my reflex action on, I stepped one step behind and piak!
I fell down on the grass just beside the walking pathway.)
Feeling a bit pai seh,
the dog's owner said sorry when he saw me fell down.
Alright. really embarassed. haha.
but i think it is funny and i said, "no no, is ok, is not ur fault."
see la. haha. fell down because of a dog,
immediately i stand up and look at my knee.
Luckily i fell on Grass.
get a bit very very mild de abrasion.
haha. laughing at myself from the bottom of my heart for such incidence.
The reason I fell down is because of a dog! =O
I would really want to see which dog will fall down because of me. haha
Hahaha. I kinda looking forward that a dog will fall bcoz of you. That time i will laugh till roll on the floor. LOL
You gotta find a SKINNY one. hiak hiak hiak!
Hiak hiak ur head la. Don't think out of the path la u. Hahha. U think urs out of path will do. Hahahaha. I'm so happy. LOL. =P ~yen
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