Saturday, February 9, 2013

Inspired =)

It's Chinese New Year Eve.
Steamboat with family as usual. ^^
Enjoyed and satisfied! 
May everyone blessed with joy and good health! =)

yea! Sem 1 de provisional results had came out yesterday.
I passed ALL the subjects! =)
Then the formal real results will be out soon, on the 15/2/13 if not mistaken.
hahax. that's the exciting time.
We will then know the actual result which is graded with A, B, C....etc.

kay, It's Chinese New Year de and I'll soon enter Sem 2 of first year.
Although I planned to just take a degree in pharmacy, 
(Not like last time so naive de, thought that master and PHD is easy to get) 
haha. ( ) that's what Miss Chua, one of the great lecturer of mine told me on her life to get a master in clinical pharm. She is still young and she had became a great lecturer, my research supervisor. =)

I want to try my best in it.
People do always inspired by something, someone or even an article!
Don't feel like turning out to be a "lao beh" pharmacist.
(because i knew the feeling of a "patient" when he or she met an irresponsible and a know-nothing one)
(experienced it when i took my antibiotic cream in my uni de pharmacy, it's really dissapointing because i expect at least there is a good one since she is working there)
That's the side reason which inspired me.
I wished to learn more, do more and be a good one. =)
Hope i can do it. hah!

Going to be 12.00 am sharp!
Happy Chinese New Year everyone!


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